living and inspiration
Living and inspiration
Recently I've been noticing my anxiety has gone down extremely, almost to nothing. I think a few things have led to this decrease in anxiety, I came off mental health meds and ultimately just started saying yes more to opportunities. But I realised something, I mean who would of thought it, If you go out more, you find more inspiration, I mean its pretty basic common sense. But I guess it really is true, I've found myself out and just stumbling across little moments that cause inspiration, whether that a photograph or idea.
I was worried that going out more would somehow lessen my work, give me less time I guess, as if becoming more human would make me less artist but of course that's not true. As if all that time worrying benefited me, it made me more considerate and learn to be content alone but I don't think it ever made me more artist. Seeing more and living does that.
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