Shit stories presentation

 Shit stories presentation 


As our specialist studio practice project reached its end date it is expected for us to present the final outcomes to our peers. The studio recently has been a little sparse, unless its specific scheduled in time people don't really come in that much anymore. In the past two years the studio used to be constantly busy, it didn't matter about scheduled times, that's definitely changed. This energy change was a little difficult to adjust to to begin with, but I think I've found a good balance of just relying on my own energy. So the day before presenting it was just myself and yang in the studio, I was well aware we were expected to present our work in a professional manner, Julian had told us quite a few times and i remember the previous years doing the same. We cleaned out our shared space, moved out the tables and began the decision process of what we would actually want shown. As Myself and yang share one space she was super kind and gave me the whole space to present in, she chose to present in a different free space near the  sinks. I cleaned the floors, filled and painted the wall, found plinths and painted them and printed and framed some images. Throughout this project I made a lot of work, not all of it needs to be shown as some represents the project better than others. I chose to show 2 A2 framed photographs from work made at the castle, 1 A2 framed print of a page from the publication, A plinth with my publications on and a video piece.  I was slightly late as I had a doctors appointment, but I don't know when I came into the studio there was horrible atmosphere, like an air of hate. As usual I was very nervous to present and talk about the project in front of others but I think it went well, I was just more bothered by the atmosphere.  


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