Studio practice

Glazing process  

When creating my wine bottles I wanted to create this sense of childhood vs harsh reality, so with having ceramic wine bottles the childish sense comes through with the glazing. I had to 2 different ideas and decided to just create both of them, one having colourful childish shapes and the other just being hyper girly and almost kitsch. 

To get good inspiration for my first idea, I decided to get my 4year old niece, Darcy, to come over and do some paintings with me. We chose some colours together, I started by painting a few shapes on some paper until she felt comfortable then she painted what she wanted.

I decided to use paint of glaze’s to get a childish look with the brushstrokes. I brought Darcy’s paintings with me as inspiration and tried to re-create the paintings onto the bottle as accurately as I could. I definitely found it difficult to try and revert my painting skills backwards, but I think I made up for it with the accurate colour scheme and imagery. I am very pleased with how these bottles turned out, I only wish I’d of had the time to make more as I think they’d look really effective grouped together. Below are photos of the whole process.  As I created 2 different styles when glazing these bottles I’ve decided only the two inspired by niece are for the final outcome, I very much like the rose design bottle yet I believe it has more of a commercial inspiration than being relevant to my theme. 

Finished bottles: 

Initial plan and sketch’s: 

Darcys paintings: 

Glazed but not fired bottles:


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