Studio practice

 Shadow painting 2  

When starting my next shadow painting I still had a few things to figure out. I knew I was painting windowsill shadows and id already painted my own bedroom windowsill but how would I move this on? I had this idea about painting other peoples windowsills and capturing them that way, I found this particularly intriguing and thought it could definitely go somewhere interesting however I decided on another idea due to issues this idea had like having to paint in others houses with time constraints and such. I decided on following the shadows of windowsills in my own house so the paintings became a kind of journey. 

I found that at around 7.50 in the evening the sun would shine at just the right spot on the back of the house to create this really beautiful shadow on the kitchen wall from the windowsill .Out off all the shadows I've pictured or found for this project this shadow is really one of my favourites (so in turn favourite to paint) as it not only captured the objects on the window but also the boiler and the bricks from the wall outside, too me this give the whole thing a sense of place as the objects and image is familiar but also a sense of other worldliness, like different worlds that don't exist. I really enjoyed this, using a shadow of a place to create these kind of portals to different places, it became something I tried to implement further into this painting and the next and this is where my use of really synthetic fluorescent colours came in. For this painting i again went back to the experiment boards for colour inspiration, choosing pink and yellow but changing up the tones to make it a lot more vibrant. My actual process for the painting consisted of the same steps as the last one, the only difference with this painting is I used a neon pink paint to really add to that synthetic, earie almost alien feel.


-Painting process:


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