Studio practice

 Sanding paintings  

Despite liking the effects the varnish shadows had on the paintings it wasn't enough to make me over look the fact that I still really wasn't happy with the white layer, it was far too distracting from the original painting and i wanted to go back and just stick with the original painting.  At this point i just wanted to ditch these paintings completely and start afresh but we talked it out and decided i could at least try to persevere and save them by sanding the white back. I had to use a wire brush and tough sandpaper because of the layers of varnish over the white, it took a little while but the white did begin to come off quite well, just leaving behind this kind of opaque trace of the once quite bold white which I didn't mind. I kept alternating the paintings as to not get bored as it was a very repetitive process and kept at this for a few days. However one of times i was sanding back the pink painting I did end up applying too much pressure and this caused a tare in the upper right of the canvas.


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