Studio practice

Finale photo prints

 When thinking about which images I should have printed to present, it was quite difficult to decide which as I had so many images I liked, all giving of slightly different ideas. In the end I decided on these two, I like how they kind of created a pair of sign people. I personally think I did have some images of Donna I aesthetically liked more but I felt they added to much other narrative with her cleaning or doing other tasks, this image captures her still in a domestic setting but as more of a straight on documentation of her in the sign. I chose this image of myself as stop sign person as out of the few I had I think it works best compositionally, its very level and clean, the others felt more distracting. I liked these two images together as I felt it personified the meanings of traditional femininity and its issues into physical representations. Two characters. I also chose two images without any editing, I believed the colours and lighting worked well originally and again thought the editing could add more unnecessary narrative.    

I had them printed off in A2 with a deliberate white boarder. I decided against framing or mounting them, instead choosing drawing pins to hang them up poster style, even choosing coloured drawing pins in red, and white and yellow and black to tie in with the images themselves. I chose this way of presenting them as I thought this kind of primitive feeling would add more to the domestic homely vibe, almost emulating posters on a bedroom wall. I think these images work well together visually and in getting across my point. 


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