Studio practice

 Bedside table photo documentation 

Images of my bedside table taken each day from 18th December 2023 to 12th January 2024. Images taken on a compact digital camera opposed to phone camera. This time I tried to be slightly more considered thinking about composition when taking the images, choosing landscape from above and keeping in parts of the bed and corner wall to add some interest and blank space without altering the table itself. 

I decided to use my Sony W830 digital compact camera, this was both an aesthetic choice and personal preference. I decided against using a phone camera , I wanted the images to be more than just the pre set instant shot but also decided against a more professional better quality camera as well. I chose to use the Digi cam as I think it adds a personality to the images, its a domestic table so I thought it right the images mirror the home aspect, I believe a higher quality camera would of taken away this domestic quality and just made clear crisp images of stuff rather than a depiction of this personal place. The choice to use the digi cam was also influenced by personal intrigue, I'm interested in exploring and using alternative camera options and types, this is something I want to explore further. 

This began as a side task but has grown to be a part of this project I'm really enjoying, I wont be using it for the exhibition at the castle but I still want to get it off the laptop and into a more developed thing. When thinking about what ill do with this I've had the idea of perhaps printing them of perhaps a bit smaller than a4 in a long consecutive row on a white wall but I'm also thinking about maybe linking it more with the book stuff I'm doing by turning the images into an accordion or flip book, this is something I still need to think about more. 



















05/01/24 - no photo 









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