Studio practice
Travelling and journeys
I've decided my new project is going to explore more into the performative. I've still been thinking about these recurring themes in my work of the everyday and human life, a big part of my life revolves around travel and journeys so it was suggested I explore that as a possible route. Perhaps performative actions on a journey, maybe the act of making something. I think the camera based element I've been eager to pursue can just come through with the documentation of it.
I've been thinking of things I always do on journeys or things I take with me. Personally I experience anxiety daily, particularly anxiety about getting to places and journeys in general. When doing any journey I tend to always carry a bag of stuff , things I think I might need. A drink of some kind, emergency pan au chocolate in case of hunger, a book, a plastic bag, camera, purse, diary, plasters, then of course things that change.
I've also found that on my most of journeys I seem to have a cigarette, this isn't something I find desirable in my self but it is a habit I have and I think it could be an interesting route to explore. I wouldn't say my smoking levels are overly excessive, I'm not a chain-smoker in any means but its still something that I guess I overlook, I'm very aware that smoking is something that damages your health and body but it becomes almost an unconscious action. I think it could be interesting to create a large soft sculpture cigarette, each time I go on a journey that id usually start with a cigarette I take my large sculpture.
I smoke tobacco rather than straight cigarettes, whenever I'm on the train home and we get to the stop 2 before mine, I roll a cigarette for the walk home from the station, it could be interesting if I made all the components of a rolled cigarette in a large soft sculpture form, so you could roll the large soft sculpture cigarette.
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