Artist research

 Venera Kazarova   

Venera Kazarova is a Russian based artist and fashion designer. I will personally be looking more at her performative and stop motion pieces but she also creates clothing like items for theatre and media. She creates almost sculptural outfits and costumes out of things like paper, plastics and everyday objects to create characters and costumes to aid performative actions. I personally really like her work as to me its in that place where making meets performance and that's something I find important in my own practice. Online I've found it quite difficult to find out too much information about Kazarova as an artist, I found a few interviews and articles but mainly about her fashion work, I recently found her work on Instagram and instantly loved it. On their Instagram they have much more documentation of their play with the performative, often using made items aiding simple movement to create small but effective videos and stop motions with humorous aspects. She plays with size, material and her own body to make small clips and interventions that seem to have simple themes of experience and everyday but approached in a slightly humorous way. I do believe a lot of the artists work probably relates more to the past landscape projects but I'd seen a few of the artist pieces that also relate to this project, where she's taken things outside of a studio space and interacted with the surroundings. 

-Screen shots from her Instagram, Venera_Kazarova

Screenshots from Instagram reels, Venera_Kazarova 


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