Studio practice

Testing in place   

Today after much deliberating I decided to just go out and test out my ideas in situ, I keep trying to come up with some definite plan but I needed to just go and try it. Its good to have a brief idea of what I'm setting out to do but I cant account for everything and need to leave room for things I cant control. I went out with just the idea that I was going to sew a couple of leaves into my skirt maybe in a coffee shop or something. I went to Waterstones had a look a café there but it was very busy, on the same floor there was a reading area so decided to test it there. It was no where near as busy as the café but it was next to the escalators so a few people did walk past, some glanced at me, some didn't notice. To begin with it was quite nerve racking but I soon found that as I was sewing I stopped noticing when people would walk past.



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