Artist Research

 Sophie Calle  

Sophie Calle is an artist that has highly inspired the way I've approached my current project, I particularly like her way of documenting the work in her piece, Suite Venitienne 1979. In this piece Calle followed a stranger through their daily life photographing them from a distance and observing their actions, even going as far to follow on man all the way to Venice to carry on this artistic stalking. This was documented through the film photos she took but also extensive journal entries about both her actions in following the man but also speculation about his thoughts and views as she observed him. I'd already decided to try learn how to use a film camera for this project but after seeing this work decided to adopt this use of a journal within my own work in documenting my experience as leaf person.  I liked the idea of experience documented in note form, as I've been doing rather than making I found there's more variables and occurrences in the experience, as I'm doing it I overlook a lot of the interactions but when noted down some parts I originally overlooked seem more interesting. 

    - photographs of pages from book, Double game by Paul Auster and Sophie Calle 


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