Fleabag by Phoebe Waller-Bridge
Originally a one woman play turned into a BBC tv series. The show is a comedy drama set around the interactions and messy daily life of the main character fleabag, the show has differing themes like navigating grief, guilt, relationships, sex life and religion.
Breaks the fourth wall with fleabag breaking out of character to reveal her inner most thoughts and feelings in the moment by talking directly to us as an audience, a switch that for the most part the other characters are completely unaware of. This switch between the self she puts forward when interacting with the other characters compared to the raw vulnerability of her text when interacting with this seemingly imaginary audience evokes these ideas of the woman that's constantly performing, performing in every simple aspect of her life.
I've watched this series many times and felt it to be significant to this project, As a female who tends to be quite anxious anyway I'm used to this feeling of constantly performing, almost playing the role of a calm, collected and pleasant woman to fool the public or others of the actual unnecessary worry and internal chaos, as i decided to become leaf person everyday for a week whilst going about my normal life in public instead of doing a set performance in an arranged time with a set audience, this feeling of constantly performing to this invisible audience was amplified as the audience was the camera or public, it was no longer invisible but it wasn't completely direct either.
Fleabag. (n.d.).
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