professional practice

 Mik Godly     

Mik Godly is an artist that predominantly works in painting and digital art. For Finacle security he works at FE colleges with a specialism in life drawing. Mik Godly said the process of creating is the part of his artworks that bring him the most enjoyment. Inspired by his German heritage for the last 18 years he has worked on a project "Considering Silesia", this project mainly consisted of digital paintings with techniques inspired by early pixelated images, this transfers to his acrylic and water colour paintings also. This project and his current project "Breslau 1938, Architecture as propaganda" are inspired by old photographs and the politics of WW2. 

The longevity and commitment to his previous project really stood out to me. This commitment to his families heritage and place didn't particularly resonate with me, it made me think as at the moment its not a subject that interests me but it made me wonder if it ever would.  


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