Studio practice
Leaf person performance
I did my first ever live performance art piece as part of the art and design showcase at Nottingham Contemporary. I was sat on one of my straw bales doing my sewing as leaf person, I had done this in public before but never in a gallery with an audience, id never done any kind of performance in a gallery with an audience so of cause it was highly nerve racking and anxiety provoking. I was sat at the very front under the large projection with several rows of people opposite me, I was front and centre but people were also looking at the projection not just me, so that made it easier. I also could see multiple tutors and friends that I was comfortable with should I get too anxious. I was most nervous before hand, it was the anticipation of it but once I sat down I just focused on my sewing until the anxiety eased. During the time I was sewing a couple of people came and sat on my bale and I sewed a leaf onto them and had a short conversation, it was nice to change it up and involve others in it. The conversations weren't about what I was doing but were just friendly and trivial, I like that the conversations weren't so much about the leaves but just connecting with others by sewing the leaves. I mean challenging my anxiety in different situations is the basis of what this project has been about, Performances and Gallery events are something that id ultimately love to do more of but are one of the scariest situations for me so being able to do this performance and complete it without getting overly worked up over fear and anxiety feels like a grand finale for this project. It was videoed and photographed so I'm sure ill do something with those when I get them. I am very pleased with how it went, I had lots of pleasant comments about it and am proud of myself for doing it as it was a great opportunity. If I were to do it again I would stay longer so I could so I could sew leaves into more people as that had just really started getting going when I was getting ready to finish but I still think it was a good first attempt.
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