Studio practice
Social media / Alternate call out
Recently i had started posting art content on my TikTok account again. As a platform TikTok scares me more than most social media, its so vast in users and seems a lot more instant and clicky than any other social medias like Instagram or x. However this nature of the platform is what makes it unique in aiding creatives. I've become good at posting on Instagram but it did take a while to find what my kind of formula for posting consisted off but now I've found it, its easy. I haven't found this rhythm when it comes to posting on TikTok, I've kind of avoided it but recently a few creatives followed me, slight embarrassment over my lack off effort in posting has spurred me to try post more on there. I created this call out for the current project with a bit more information on it. I want to try practice and get better at more short form videos, most people keep them super informal vlog style, but i don't like that so i need to find what works for me.
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