Zine fair

 The sky people and sticker printing  

I've recently been experimenting and coming up with ideas for the upcoming zine fair at Bonington. This zine fair is in response to the exhibition called weird hope engines, This is exploring the idea of Table top roleplaying games, this isn't open yet but the website mentions themes of communal myth making, simulation, storytelling etc. 

I had this idea that I called "the sky people". This would be a zine based around 5 characters, the sun, the moon, a crescent moon, a star and a cloud. My idea was that this would be a modular endings type of game zine. I want the characters to be cute in appearance but the game to have an ominous feeling, with phases like "the sky people are always watching". One of the sky people is evil, each page would give you choices, you decide and see if chose correct, make it to the end without being killed by the evil sky person and you win. 

I liked this idea because I think it fits the theme of the table top roleplaying games well, the use of celestial bodies as characters fits the often mystical sense of most TTRG's. The idea of modular endings makes it a story game in its own stance. The ominous feeling of larger bodies in control does have purposeful connotations of higher powers and surveillance. As the characters are visually cute I thought it would be easy to make them appealing to be sold as other small items, like stickers or prints. 

One of my friends has previously printed her own stickers for craft markets, she gave me advice on the process. I scanned my drawings and arranged them in a photoshop document to make a sticker sheet, I brought some vinyl sticker paper and printed them out on my home computer. I think the characters are very effective as stickers.

This idea excites me, if I can figure out the story line and endings I think it could work really well. However, I do worry that this in style is very far away from my current work and process. These drawings do represent my style of drawing in my own sketchbook and free time, as this event would have public footfall I'm deliberating what style I would want to use to present myself as an artist. 

- Sticker sheet

                                                             - printed sticker 


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